Sunday, January 11, 2009

Witness your Anger

I recently sat down and picked up an old copy of Yoga Journal magazine. I opened up to a random page and started reading. I was not surprised that it opened to an article by Sally Kempton, called Essence of Life. The "essence" of the article was regarding freedom in emotion, an ability to fully connect with and express all levels of emotions without being attached to, and controlled by, your emotions.

We have discussed an awareness of feelings - that is a big part of what this program is about. When we become aware we can identify the feeling and if desired, choose a different path. Sometimes even just being aware can change the reaction and behaviors in a positive way. There are times when you need to feel a feeling and just live with it awhile. When I first started this program I did have a lot of anger. I think that, maybe, for years I didn't express anger enough or at all. I think I needed to be angry - really angry - for awhile, before I could move beyond it. I'm just grateful I had help so that I could recognize what was going on and move through this phase respectfully.

Sally Kempton in her article tells of a practice she has used for cultivating a state of witness for her emotions. A way of not just observing but being open to your emotions - all of them. "Instead of being simply the observer of thoughts and feelings, you consciously welcome them... Anger comes up and you think, 'I welcome you.'" Can you welcome your emotions?

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