Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Passion through Anger?

Is anger something that always breeds negativity and aggression or can it be fuel for creativity?

"Anger can be an expression of egoic frustration, but that same anger can give you energy in your practice." - Sally Kempton

I read this quote recently, along with a similar thought elsewhere, and it prompted a discussion with Laura. Can anger ever be good or beneficial?

It was an interesting discussion. Initially we thought, no, anger can't necessarily fuel positive things. But what about certain musicians, actors and actresses, artists of all ilk? Sometimes a great rage can produce some of the greatest works of art. And what about activists? Sometimes the greatest change can occur when someone just plain gets good and angry about injustice and decides to do something about it.

Of course, I had an incidence just today when I read something online that brought up some good old fashioned injustice kind of anger. I read something I disagreed with personally and responded to it. I tried, however, to make it a point to say my opinion and feelings without condemning another. I made points and counterpoints. Hopefully, the tone expressed some of my confusion and frustration without projecting hate or hurt.

The difference for me is in how you feel overall. If the anger consumes you, if you can't see beyond it, if it hurts or condemns others, then regardless of what great work of art it produces you may be missing the greatest work of art of all - your life.

Let the anger create a desire, a passion within you. Be conscious of your emotions and let them move you to action in a positive way.

1 comment:

@MuseLaura said...

I, too, had an experience shortly after our discussion that gave me pause to think. I had some "old issues" that came up and I got angry. I wasn't scared (although fear is the basis of every negative emotion, this wasn't a "I am scared" feeling, it was more a "I am done with this!") I was angry and felt so inspired to take action to move on. My anger also inspired my spouse. Hmmm...can anger have a beneficial side? It certainly pushed me past my inertia...