Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Growing food

I often think back to days gone by (not necessarily my own) when people spent most of their time growing, harvesting and cooking. Not that I would trade most of my leisure time to procure all of my food and yet we've gone so far from it. I do delight in having a garden and being able to grow at least some of my own food.
This past weekend I planted many things I started growing from seed. I have over a dozen heirloom tomato plants, almost 2 dozen broccoli, watermelon, cucumber, peppers and many assorted beans, peas and maybe a pumpkin. Last summer I didn't buy a tomato for almost 6 months! All summer long we ate cucumbers from the garden and we even had a couple of homegrown canteloupe.
I feel a greater connection to and joy in my food when I have some part in it's preparation. Whether it's planting or growing or just in the cutting or cooking. Somehow that also makes me feel better, lighter and more conscious. Processed foods just don't seem to have the same feel.
As my husband says, when I make his sandwiches for lunch, they just have more love in them.


@MuseKaren said...

Love sandwiches are the best!

@MuseLaura said...

I love being connected to where my food is grown. I can feel the energy in my food...