Monday, February 25, 2008

Unmet Needs

(by Karen) February has been very interesting for me as I have been sick and recovering every day of it. I went out of town to help my husband with a work project and just when I returned, I became very ill. I have questioned why many times. The more I am able to look back on it, I know I have my answer, it is from unmet needs.

I went to a place I did not want to travel to, to do work that does not inspire or "fill me up". In fact, it wore me down. We worked long hours, ate at different times each day (or sometimes skipped meals all together), stayed in a hotel that was not very comfortable which was right above a bandstand where the band played until 2:00am each morning. The weather was cold and I did not have a proper coat.

For me, taking care of myself (read: meeting my needs) is very important. It is important for me to have enough sleep, to eat healthy and nutritious foods at the same time each day, to spend time doing work and activities that nourish me spiritually and fill me up. While I was away, even though I did do a short yoga practice each day and eat the most healthy and nutritious meals I was able to find (not easy), my needs still were not met.

The sickness has caused me to look a little deeper. Do I have other needs that I am unaware of that were not met before I left? Time will tell :-)

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