Monday, February 25, 2008

My Lesson for the Month

Oh, my! Where or where do I begin? This month was an incredibly powerful learning experience around fears and unmet needs. My biggest lesson, though, was around receiving. In order to get your needs met, you need to receive what others and the Universe are handing you. Ultimately it comes down to feeling worthy of receiving. Hmmm...I have a hard time admitting to myself that I have felt I am not deserving of receiving gifts, but it is true. The other reason we don't receive is we don't feel we are loved. Neither are true, but are at the base of all of our unhealthy behaviors. I am learning to receive. I even receive hugs from my children in a new way. I feel them and draw in the love they are sending me. It is interesting to notice the change in them. They have smiles of pure contentment on their faces now when they hug me. Then I got it -- it is so much more fun to give to someone who receives. Think about how you feel giving a complement to someone who brushes it off and doesn't accept it versus someone who sincerely looks you in the eye and says, "thank you".

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