Thursday, January 3, 2008

Impatience and Anger and...Control

As I wrote about in the module, my anger still stems from my impatience. What I have since discovered is my impatience stems from more serious control issues. (Anyone else? Am I alone here?) As Marya said in the Module Morsel “accept not expect”. I have many expectations as to how something should go, most specifically, my schedule. I am planned and scheduled to the minute (it feels like sometimes) and children often have different ideas... I am studying surrender for this year to loosen up here. I am ready to feel even more flow in my life.


Everyday Yogini said...

I actually wrote about this very thing on my blog a few days ago! This crazy idea that people or situations should be as I imagine they will be is a recipe for pain- my own and others.

My intention for the year centers around letting this go. Allowing others (my daughter and husband) to be who they are and appreciating their unique beauty!

@MuseLaura said...

I love your comment "appreciating their unique beauty". What a lovely way of saying we are all different.

Denise said...

I also love the idea of being more in the flow!! I have stepped out of my box at the start of the year and am trying something a little differant, but had to spend time with my schedule, reorganizing and reevaluating. I also purposefully looked at it and told myself that just beacuse I wrote it down does not mean it is meant to be. I left myself room to change it if I wanted or needed to. Making a mindful declaration is very helpful to me--it sets a tone as a move forward.

@MuseKaren said...

Laura: You are certainly not alone with the control issue. I actually find irritation in restorative yoga. Yes, it is true. I find that it is hard for me to just let go. I get irritated folding the blankets and arranging them. I get irritated trying to slow my mind down and let my body just be. I always find another place to let go - it is a rare occasion when I totally let go in a restorative pose! If I let go, I'm not in control!