Monday, March 31, 2008

5 people

(Marya) Today's inspirational quote got me thinking about the 5 people I spend the most time with. Who are they? How do I feel being around them? I think what I've discovered is that I really have 2 circles - my immediate family (husband and children) and other family and friends that I spend a lot of time with.
Of course I spend most of my time with my family. I have a husband and 3 kids. Yet when I think about it I notice that so often my mood sets the tone in the house. Yes, we do all interact and feed off of each other, yet as the mom I'm often looked to for answers, advice, direction and mood. It's as they say "If Mom is happy, then everyone's happy" (or vice versa!). Even more important then for me to ensure that the other people I spend time with are positive and uplifting - which they are!
So then who do I spend the most time with? My mom, my best friend and several other wonderful friends/colleagues.
Who are your 5?


@MuseLaura said...

Family (husband and 2 children), colleagues. It is interesting that my best friend is not on this list and she needs to be. She has such a wonderful affect on me! For this month, I am going to commit to being with her more frequently. My husband has a great affect on me. He brings me up in a way no one else can; it is more grounded. My children always leave me feeling fabulous when I am in a place of gratitude for them. When I am not feeling grateful, I easily become irritated.

Denise said...

marya, thank you for your post. I also, have a home where if "Mom is happy, everyone is happy" My energy affects the home to a great degree. I do not spend near enough time with my family. We have such eratic schedules that scheduling time with my husband is even difficult. I also know with my efforts in my work I spend less time with friends. I connect regularly with friends via email and find that my inspiration has to come from inner pursuits. I have purposely narrowed my time with others, if I have not felt their values align with mine. This has been something over several years that became apparent as an energy drain for me. so much to think about! Namaste' Denise