Monday, December 22, 2008

Honoring yourself

"At its core, loving yourself simply means believing in your own essential worthiness.  It is nurturing a healthy sense of positive self-regard and knowing in your heart that you are a valuable link in the universal chain.  Loving yourself also means actively caring for every facet of yourself.  It shows up in every action you take, from putting on a sweater to protect yourself from a chill to leaving a job that does not fulfill you.  It means tuning in to your own wants and needs and honoring them..." - Cherie Carter-Scott Ph.D.

Do you love yourself?  I mean really love yourself?  You might say, "Of course I do!" but I encourage you to really explore this.  For today, pay attention to how you treat yourself and ask yourself some rich questions.
  • Do I take care of my basic needs or do I ignore them for the sake of saving time, or giving to others instead?
  • Do I say things to myself that I wouldn't say to others?
  • Do I act out of love and desire or out of guilt or shame?
  • Do I needless suffer when I could do something to change my situation?
  • Do I get enough sleep, water, exercise, healthy food?
Then tomorrow take 1 whole day to treat yourself well.  In the eating module we asked, "What if Jesus came to dinner - what would you serve?"  Well, pretend that you are as important as Jesus (or Buddha, or Mohammed) and treat yourself that way.  Serve good food, drink fresh clean water, talk nicely to yourself.  Be good to yourself.


@MuseKaren said...

Thank you Marya - beautiful post.

@MuseLaura said...

Marya, thank you. This is fabulous! My lesson this month was on loving myself enough to find time to do my yoga practice. Your other questions hit home as well.