Wednesday, December 24, 2008


As I mentioned in today's Module Morsel, my focus for this holiday season with my family is to feel the spiritual connection between us. I find it can be so tricky with family to maintain my consciousness. It can be very easy to fall back into old ways of being with those from whom I learned them. This holiday I am focusing on the connection, feeling the connection. It has been deeply profound so far...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Honoring yourself

"At its core, loving yourself simply means believing in your own essential worthiness.  It is nurturing a healthy sense of positive self-regard and knowing in your heart that you are a valuable link in the universal chain.  Loving yourself also means actively caring for every facet of yourself.  It shows up in every action you take, from putting on a sweater to protect yourself from a chill to leaving a job that does not fulfill you.  It means tuning in to your own wants and needs and honoring them..." - Cherie Carter-Scott Ph.D.

Do you love yourself?  I mean really love yourself?  You might say, "Of course I do!" but I encourage you to really explore this.  For today, pay attention to how you treat yourself and ask yourself some rich questions.
  • Do I take care of my basic needs or do I ignore them for the sake of saving time, or giving to others instead?
  • Do I say things to myself that I wouldn't say to others?
  • Do I act out of love and desire or out of guilt or shame?
  • Do I needless suffer when I could do something to change my situation?
  • Do I get enough sleep, water, exercise, healthy food?
Then tomorrow take 1 whole day to treat yourself well.  In the eating module we asked, "What if Jesus came to dinner - what would you serve?"  Well, pretend that you are as important as Jesus (or Buddha, or Mohammed) and treat yourself that way.  Serve good food, drink fresh clean water, talk nicely to yourself.  Be good to yourself.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Giving Love

"Love is above all, the gift of oneself."  - Jean Anouilh

In the book, Love is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., he tells of a patient of his that came to him with severe depression.  This person was so in despair he believed he had nothing to live for.  Dr. Jampolsky asked him if he knew of anyone that needed help such as meals cooked, deliveries, a visit.  The man mentioned that there was an elderly woman in his building who lived along and didn't get out much.  He knew she didn't have much money and noticed she didn't ever have visitors.  Dr. Jampolsky's prescription to this man was to go to this woman and give to her.  To bring her meals, to go to the grocery for her, to bring her books from the library and to spend time visiting with her.  
The man came back the next week transformed.  No longer feeling in such deep despair he regaled Dr. Jampolsky with his wonderful experience.  The man realized that in helping another he forgot all about his own despair.  Not only that, but he made a connection with another human being and changed 2 lives in the process.

During this time - both the time of the holidays and a time that may be challenging to some financially - more than ever we need to find ways to give.  Give whatever it is you have to give, such as money, donations, time or attention.  And Give from your heart.  Know that giving Love is the most important contribution you can make to this world.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feeling Love

Of course it's fitting that we study Love in December, that time of the year when almost every people around the world celebrate some sort of major holiday and usually one that promotes reflection, gratitude, joy and love.
In what often turns into a busy rush (often centered on material things), allow yourself to slow down and appreciate everything around you. Find things of beauty in your world, spend time in or admiring nature, go to gatherings not out of obligation but in effort to connect with fellow human beings, send cards with personal messages, tell your loved ones that you do, in fact, love them. Don't forget yourself! Do something special for yourself today, for love begins with loving yourself.
I was in a store today and a complete stranger came up to me holding a Santa Claus figurine and asked if I thought he (santa) looked happy. Puzzled, my response was "yes". The man laughed and said, "really?". As I looked at the figure I determined that the man was on to something. The man even said that it looked like Santa had bags under his eyes. I laughed. The man said that he did it all in an effort just to hear me laugh. I laughed again and said "thank you, we all need that". I told him to keep up the good work and to have a wonderful day. And I meant it.
Who can you make laugh today? Can you find something to laugh at? Take time to connect.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Spiritual Commitment

At the beginning of November I had made a commitment to focus on giving and gratitude for the month. I do a number of different things in my spiritual practice and these two areas are already such a part of what I feel. My commitment then was to expand them. I had joined an online community call 29 Days of Giving with the idea of giving every day and documenting it. I know I give each day, it's just that I didn't often think about it. It was also an opportunity to up the ante, so to speak. I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone a little and giving more than I usually do, especially when it came to money.
I also committed to not only thinking about what I was grateful for, but writing down each day the things that I was grateful for. Big things like my kids and my husband and my house and little things like my new boots or the card I received in the mail from my friend.
I bought a new journal and started writing every day both my gives and my gratitudes. It was going well for awhile...and then "life" got in the way. I say that jokingly because it's all life. I'm not going to be hard on myself for not being consistent. I'm also not giving up. I write as much as I can and still try to at least think of my gives and gratitudes every day. It is a reminder of how blessed I am and how truly wonderful this world is.