Sunday, August 3, 2008


We are moving into the month on Words. Take a moment to think of one area in your life in which you would like to be more conscious of the words you use. Are there times when you feel unusually negative and slip into language you don’t normally use? Maybe it is gossip, saying “no” too much, or falling into victim language (“I should”, “I have to”, “I need to”). Find an area on place your intention to be more conscious in those areas for the next month. Bring even more joy to your heart! What is it you will be working on? Please share with us.


@MuseLaura said...
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@MuseLaura said...

My focus for this month is going to be a specific time during the day. My Focus Area for this year is my relationship with my children. I find I am most "no" oriented at bed time. (I am afraid they will meltdown. I am afraid they will fight. I am afraid they won't go to sleep.) This month I will say "yes" more often and come from a love perspective!